Special Education/Section 504
Dear Community Members,
Welcome to the Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Department in The Bronxville School.
We are committed, as a community, to addressing the educational needs of our children who have disabilities from the age of 3 through the age of 21.
The Board of Education of the Bronxville Union Free School District does not discriminate in the educational programs and activities which it operates. As per the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, if you suspect that your child has a disability that may require special education services or accommodations in order to accomplish our educational and/or extra curricular program, please contact Christine Dowd, Director of Pupil Personnel Services at 914-395-0500, Ext. 3630, or cdowd@bronxvilleschool.org.