Second Grade

The Bronxville Elementary School staff welcomes your child to Second Grade. We believe that learning in the Second Grade is a continuum of the use of interactive, hands-on activities and patient practice. Second graders begin to truly understand the concept of time and schedules, plans and rules. Independent ownership of assignments becomes part of their being. Taking into account the development of each child, we look to provide a challenging and rewarding learning experience. We would like you to know more about the program and how you, as parents, can work with school personnel to help your child make the most of his/her school experience.

The curriculum in Second Grade continues to recognize that each child moves from one stage of development to the next sequentially, and cannot skip a stage. That said, each child has an inner timetable and interacts with the environment at an individual pace. The rate of development and growth -- social, academic, physical, and emotional -- varies from child to child. The school works to develop the potential of each child within a carefully structured and supportive environment.

The educational program aims to develop attitudes in the second grader that promote satisfaction in learning, self-discipline, responsibility as a group member and appreciation for the work of others. Typically, Second Graders are ready for more cooperative work within small groups and also ready to make connections between concepts. Basic academic skills in all subject areas are taught in an integrated fashion rather than in isolation. Second Grade teachers strive to make concepts as meaningful as possible within units that focus on a particular theme -- rural communities, for example. Such a topic can be used to connect the curriculum areas of reading, writing, social studies, mathematics and science. The teachers support and encourage the children in their academic growth by repeating, reinforcing and approaching concepts in many different ways. Throughout the year, classroom teachers will keep families informed of important activities. Class parents are assigned to each classroom and assist with the coordination of important events.

For more detailed information about the second grade program, please see the pacing guides and the progress report.


Ms. Emma Sheehan
Second Grade Teacher
914-395-0500, Ext. 2155

Ms. Nina Blauner
Second Grade Teacher
914-395-0500   Ext: 2427

Mrs. Tevon Palermo
Second Grade Teacher
914-395-0500   Ext: 2150

Mrs. Lori Feingold
Second Grade Teacher
914-395-0500   Ext: 1237

Mrs. Justine Rutherford
Second Grade Teacher
914-395-0500   Ext: 1417