Third Grade
The Bronxville Elementary School staff welcomes your child to Third Grade. Third grade is a transitional year designed to provide a stimulating atmosphere in which each child can be enthusiastic about learning, acquire knowledge and skills, and work towards becoming an independent thinker. Children are supported in their academic growth by teachers who recognize and accommodate individual needs and learning styles. Basic academic skills develop in an integrated fashion rather than in isolation. The goal of the third grade program is to develop each child's academic, physical and aesthetic potential, while nurturing social and emotional growth.
We would like you to know more about the program and how you, as parents, can work with school personnel tohelp your child make the most of his/her school experience.
The average eight-year-old is excitable, dramatic and inquisitive. Children at this age are able to begin to assume more responsibility for their actions. This is approximately the age at which teachers say children experience a shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." Third graders will use reference books and the internet to find the information they need for schoolwork. Their work in math, reading and other subjects will be more challenging, as will homework, which should be completed independently.
Some of the activities in the third grade program are designed to help students learn how to set goals and understand that actions and behaviors can result in predictable outcomes. These key concepts -- choices and consequences, setting goals and responsibility -- are intertwined into academic assignments. In third grade, students are becoming more fluent, efficient and skilled readers. As they become more proficient readers, third graders are able to think about the deeper meanings in stories, expand their vocabulary and gather new information from books. As writing becomes easier for them, they begin to use it as a way to clarify and extend their understanding of what they read. Likewise, they use discussion to find meaning in what they read. Conversations about their understandings and what they want to know more about happen more easily and require more teacher guidance, yet occur with less leading by the teacher. Third grade is a good time for children to learn and begin to master basic keyboarding skills.
In third grade, students will take the New York State assessments in ELA and Mathematics. Please note the dates for these assessments in the school calendar. More information regarding these assessments will be distributed before the exam dates and information can also be obtained by visiting
Throughout the year classroom teachers will keep families informed of important activities. Class parents areassigned to each classroom and assist with the coordination of important events.
For more information about the Third Grade program, please see the pacing guides and the progress report.
Ms. Meghan Chiapperino
Third Grade Teacher
914-395-0500 Ext: 2433
Ms. Krystle Tawil
Third Grade Teacher
914-395-0500 Ext: 2263