



The Art Program enables children to express

themselves creatively and to incorporate into their

art work their experience of the world. The program

is developmental, exposing the children to a variety

of media including drawing, painting, collage,

sculpture and printmaking. Each child is allowed to

excel and grow as an individual. Students are

encouraged to develop an eye for seeing as well as

to develop their fine motor and problem-solving



The study of art emphasizes studio work while

including art history, criticism, and aesthetics. Students

work individually and cooperatively. Interdisciplinary studies

are an integral component of the curriculum. Art projects

reinforce and enhance classroom learning.

Students are taught the work of important artists

through books and SMARTBoard presentations. As the

children increase their knowledge of

art and develop their artistic skills, their self confidence

grows. The curriculum develops the

child's potential in various areas, among them:

fluency in artistic expression; originality and

elaboration of ideas; risk taking and problem

solving; curiosity and imagination.