Middle School Attendance / Absence Procedures



If your child is going to be absent, please email MSattendance@bronxvilleschool.org by 8:00am that morning. The email should include your child’s first and last name, reason for the absence and duration if known. You can also call the Middle School Office at 914-395-0500 x3800. If your child is out for more than 3 consecutive days, he/she will need a note from his/her doctor to return to school and must be cleared by the nurse’s office before going to class.


If you need to take your child out of school early during the school day please email MSattendance@bronxvilleschool.org or call the MS office at 914-395-0500 x3800. A note will be made in the Infinite Campus system that your child’s teacher will see during the period they need to leave. Your child can then meet you at your arranged meeting spot. Your child does not need a call from the MS office to be excused from class as the teacher will be aware of the early dismissal if you have informed us earlier in the day. We are happy to call the class if you feel your child may need a reminder and you may also simply come in to the MS office and dismiss your child. 

If your child is coming late to school from an appointment OR left early and is returning back to school after an appointment they must come to the MS office with a note upon arrival. This allows the school to document that they are here and provide them with a pass to class.


If you are late to school or to any class, you must check in at the MS office and get a pass to class. You need to bring a note every time you are late or absent. Only notes from doctors or other family related appointments like visiting another school are excusable with documentation. Your parents can’t excuse you from school. These are always unexcused lateness/absences. Each student is allowed 5 tardies per quarter. If a student reaches 5 tardies he/she will serve lunch detention. Each subsequent tardy after the 5th tardy will also result in lunch detention. At the start of every quarter, students start fresh with zero tardies.