Summer Reading Lists
Middle School Summer Reading 2024
6th Grade
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson:
Please read the novel Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson. Use Post-it notes to annotate (this means to make notes, or comments) as you read.
Focus your annotations on how the author uses characterization and theme development (what messages or ideas the author is trying to share) in writing this story.
Bridge to Terabithia will be discussed and used for an in-class writing assignment during the first two weeks of school. Save your notes to bring to school for this purpose.
Please select a second novel (one you have not read before) to read this summer as well. The novel you select may be in any genre and should be a reasonable length and should be age-appropriate for content. You do not need to make annotations on this book, but be prepared to share what you read in class as well.
Jess Aarons had to be the Fastest runner at Lark Creek Elementary School, the best, but when he was challenged by Leslie Burke, a girl, that was just the beginning of a new season in Jess’s life. Leslie and her parents were newcomers to the rural community where Jess Lived, and were thought to be a bit odd, for they didn’t even own a TV, though their house was filled with books. Some-what to Jess’s surprise, he and Leslie became friends, and the worlds of imagination and learning that she opened to him changed him forever. It was Leslie’s idea to create Terabithia, their secret Kingdom in the woods where they reigned supreme. There is no enemy – not their teacher Monster Mouth Meyers, their schoolmates Gary Fulcher and Janice Avery, Jess’s four sisters, or even Jess’s own fears and Leslie’s imaginary foes – could defeat them. The Legacy that Leslie finally brought to Jess enabled him to cope with the unexpected tragedy that touched them all (Harper Collins).
7th Grade
Over the course of the summer, you are required to read two novels, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and a novel of your choice. You may not choose a book you have already read. You should take notes/annotate for BOTH books. Your notes should focus on theme, characterization, and author’s craft.
Complete the written assignment for the novel of your choice.
Assignment: This assignment should be no more than one typed page. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not? Your page should include a heading (BMS writing standards), must be double spaced in 12 point font, should be well organized and your ideas should be detailed and fully developed. Edit for spelling and grammar.
Remember, your writing must have at least one direct quote or passage from the novel cited properly (MLA). Quotes should be used as evidence to support your reason(s) and should be analyzed.
8th Grade
Literary Analysis
Please read and annotate the novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. You may choose between tracking one character’s development or focus on a symbol throughout the novel. During the first two weeks of school, we will be discussing and writing an analysis of this text.
Synopsis of Lord of the Flies:
At the dawn of the next world war, a plane crashes on an uncharted island, stranding a group of schoolboys. At first, with no adult supervision, their freedom is something to celebrate. This far from civilization they can do anything they want. Anything. But as order collapses, as strange howls echo in the night, as terror begins its reign, the hope of adventure seems as far removed from reality as the hope of being rescued (Penguin Books).
- Please select and read two other books of your choosing. These books may be any genre you would like . Note that the selections should be made by you and a parent/guardian. Please write a one-page response to one of these books (see directions below). This assignment will be due on the second day of school.
Assignment: This assignment should be no more than one typed page. Write a one paragraph response to the book with specific examples. You might consider:
- This book made me think/feel/realize/wonder/consider...
- One part I particularly enjoyed is when_______ because________
- I love how the author__________
- What I'll remember about this book is_____________
- I think the author wrote this book to______________
- The author's theme (not the subject); is ___________ because_________
- If I could talk to the author about this book, I would say/ask___________
Your response must follow BMS writing standards, include a heading, be double-spaced, and typed in 12-point font. Your ideas should be well-organized, detailed, and fully developed. Edit for spelling and grammar. Make sure to use specific examples and at least one properly cited (MLA) quotation from the book to support what you are saying.