Bronxville High School to Present ‘The Birds’ as Spring Play

Bronxville High School to Present ‘The Birds’ as Spring Play
Bronxville, NY

Bronxville High School students will provide the community with comedic relief when they present “The Birds: A Modern Adaptation” as their spring play, held outside the school auditorium from June 11-12. Under the direction of teacher Robert Cross, the production features a cast of 25 talented students, which is twice as large as the usual fall play. 

“It’s been a joy to rehearse with this talented, funny company,” Cross said. “We can’t wait to share the show with the Bronxville community.”

Based on Aristophanes’ classic comedy from 414 B.C., “The Birds” follows the exploits of two disillusioned humans, Pithetaerus, played by Jake Berman, and Euelpides, played by Simon DeGreiff Rubio, who try to escape the politics, plagues and pettiness of society by traveling to the kingdom of the birds. There they convince Epops, the king of the birds, played by Will Bornmann, to embark on an insane scheme to steal power from the gods themselves. Along the way they cross paths with several of those gods, including the secretive Prometheus, played by Maggie Krieg; imperious Poseidon, played by Gwen Kirst; lunkhead Hercules, played by Liam Dollar; and angsty teen goddess of pain and rainbows, Iris, played by Maya Madhavan. 

“In addition to colorful puppetry, traditional Greek masks and a myriad of modern allusions, audiences should expect some surprises and more than a few laughs along the way,” Cross said.

Performances will take place on Friday, June 11, at 6 p.m. and Saturday, June 12, at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, June 13, will be reserved as a rain date at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. 

For more information on tickets, visit

group photo of students outside school