Business Students Learn Lessons From Local Store Owner

Students in Class
Bronxville, NY

Bronxville High School students recently welcomed local business owner Valerie Stone as a guest speaker in their Introduction to Business class. During her visit, she discussed the origins of her store, Candy Rox, its products, how the store operates and the challenges of the pandemic. She also connected to a variety of topics the students have been studying in teacher Steve Klurfeld’s class.

“We have been learning about all aspects of a business in class,” sophomore Victoria McEnroe said. “One topic we covered was the importance of being willing to pivot. Mrs. Stone not only pivoted in her life by switching from a designer to a candy shop owner, but she also had to make changes during the pandemic.”

McEnroe said she enjoyed Stone’s visit because it helped her understand how the topics she’d been studying in class can be applied to the real world.

Business Students Learn Lessons From Local Store Owner
Business Students Learn Lessons From Local Store Owner