Third-graders – who had been studying about different countries as part of the social studies curriculum – celebrated the culmination of their studies by performing a variety of circus skills for classmates, teachers and parents during the annual “Circus Around the World” on June 15.
As part of the program, the students conducted in-depth research about Australia, China, Egypt, India, Ireland, Palestine and Jordan and worked with Circus Minimus ringmaster Kevin O’Keefe for two weeks to prepare for their performance. Under his leadership, each class studied the history, culture and geography of their assigned country and mastered their circus skills.
“Ringmaster O’Keefe deftly wove together the children’s studies of different countries with circus skills,” said second-grade teacher Dianne Aronson and art teacher Kendall Fousek, who organized the learning experience.
The show began with a parade of all performers, who covered their faces with beautifully decorated masks, which they had created in their art classes, before revealing their joyful and smiling faces in front of an applauding audience. The students showcased juggling from Australia, partner acrobatics and plates from China, human pyramids and flags from Egypt, circus yoga from India, tumbling from Ireland and diablo and flower sticks from Palestine and Jordan. The show’s grand finale was a performance of bhangra, a traditional Indian dance, by all third graders.
“Circus Around the World” was made possible through the Lecture Series, which provides students with cultural and educational experiences that enrich the K-5 curriculum. Chaired by Aronson and Fousek, the Lecture Series programs are funded by the generous support of parents and made possible through the volunteer efforts of Bronxville faculty members.