Fourth Graders Explore Digital Citizenship With Vlogs, PSAs

Fourth Graders Explore Digital Citizenship With Vlogs, PSAs
Bronxville, NY

With a focus on digital media and the importance of being conscious of how we communicate on social media platforms, fourth graders created their own personal vlogs to demonstrate their understanding. They worked with Mike Feurstein, a filmmaker, educator and UnMake a Bully program creator, as part of the virtual “How to UnMake the Mediasphere” program from May 17-28.

As part of the program, the students have been learning about advertisers, social media influencers and branding, and exploring internet safety and digital citizenship. Their vlogs contained a personal exploration of what makes them good citizens, as well as what traits they feel they should work on in the coming years. They used creative writing, oratory skills and technical skills, and incorporated music and graphics into their final pieces. 

“The students are always so engaged and excited when Mr. Mike comes to Bronxville,” teacher Lauren Wright said. “He brings a high level of enthusiasm and excitement about the subject matter. This program is a really effective way for students to understand the importance of spreading kindness, being aware of the downside to social media and being true to themselves.”

In addition to the personal vlogs, the students collaborated on a movie, which they filmed on Zoom. Each class’s script was based on events and experiences in the students’ lives. They shared and collaborated to develop a script that shows how social media can negatively affect how a person views themselves, as well as their friendships.

The program works to highlight the importance of taking active steps against bullying and empowers students to stand up against bullying through positive media.