Bronxville High School junior Emma Yeon has earned a prestigious award in the nationally acclaimed YoungArts Awards competition for her short story, “Apex.”
In “Apex,” Yeon skillfully weaves a powerful narrative through a series of brief second-person segments. The story follows a doctor’s child who earns a perfect score on a national exam and is inaugurated into the imperial bureaucracy. While fictional, the story delves into deeply resonant themes such as the intersection of writing and math, the difficult nuances of success in a meritocracy, and the role of family and duty in shaping identity.
The YoungArts Awards competition is one of the nation’s most celebrated platforms for exceptional young student artists across various disciplines. Winners receive recognition, mentorship and financial support for their creative work.
“It is one of the most prestigious and competitive contests for young writers, musicians and artists, and I am deeply honored to have been recognized,” Yeon said. “It is very validating to receive such positive acknowledgement of my work.”
The student expressed gratitude for the mentorship, guidance and encouragement she received from her English teachers, Ally DeFreitas and Robert Cross.
“My English teachers have been instrumental to my growth, both as a writer and an individual, and I owe much of my success to their support,” she said. “Ultimately, I am very grateful for the places my writing has taken me so far, and I look forward to writing for many more years to come.”