Kindergartners Learn Math, Science, Language Skills With Pumpkins

kids walking through a pumpkin patch
Bronxville, NY

Kindergartners briskly walked toward the field of pumpkins, set up on school grounds, as part of the annual fall tradition on Oct. 15. The students selected their own pumpkins before bringing them back to their classrooms to closely examine and study them.

Throughout the week, the kindergartners will participate in hands-on activities that are designed to introduce them to math, science and language arts concepts. During the language arts lessons, the students describe and draw their pumpkins and participate in reading and writing activities. During their math lessons, they recognize the shape of their pumpkins and measure their height, weight and circumference. As part of their science lessons, they test their pumpkins to learn if they float or sink in water.

At the end of the lessons, the students will take home a pumpkin study book, featuring photographs, drawings and writings from their classroom activities. Special thanks to the PTA for providing the pumpkins for each kindergartner.