Seniors Celebrate Fine and Performing Arts Accomplishments at Baccalaureate

Seniors Celebrate Fine and Performing Arts Accomplishments at Baccalaureate
Bronxville, NY

Members of the Class of 2021 celebrated the culmination of their high school careers and accomplishments in the fine and performing arts during the Baccalaureate ceremony, held on June 17 at the Bronxville School auditorium.  

Art teacher Courtney Alan and senior Olivia O’Keefe welcomed the guests and honorees to the ceremony, which included choral and instrumental performances, as well as visual arts clips of senior artists’ portfolios. Orchestra director Dr. Denise Lutter, who is retiring at the end of the school year, provided the Baccalaureate address. 

“As you continue to think about your futures, we ask that you remember the importance of living your lives in relationship with the full range of humanity, that you use your tremendous gifts and hard-earned talents to raise others up, that you turn toward and address rather than avoid and deny the difficult challenges facing our local and global communities,” Dr. Lutter said. “We are tremendously proud of your accomplishments and inspired by your courage, resilience and sense of purpose that you have demonstrated in the face of unprecedented challenges.” 

Choral director Pamela Simpson provided the closing remarks and reflected on the teachers’ unique privilege of watching the students grow and develop their talents over multiple years. 

“Their contribution is a direct result of their commitment, perseverance and risk-taking to their art,” Simpson said. “They’ve been encouraged and nurtured by their parents, by many dedicated teachers and a community that provides rich resources and opportunities for them to explore their artistic and musical passions.”  

The ceremony was livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel at