Students Celebrate 100th Day of School

Students Celebrate 100th Day of School
Bronxville, NY

First graders celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 24 and used the number 100 in a variety of ways to commemorate the milestone. 

“Each day we count, and the anticipation of making it to 100 is felt throughout the classroom,” first grade teacher Kathryn Westerheim said. 

Throughout the day, the students celebrated how much they have learned and grown since September. They used the number 100 to measure, used the letters in the word to build other words, played a “roll and add” game until they get to 100, did exercises for 100 seconds and thought about what life would be like in 100 years. 

“At the beginning of the year, many students are just coming in with basic reading skills,” Westerheim said. “In 100 days, they have blossomed into readers. In writing, their stories now span multiple pages, and in math they can now add and subtract up to 20 with ease.” 

In addition to having fun on their 100th day of school, the students learned how to collaborate on group projects, measure objects, build words out of letters and practice their counting skills.