Students Discuss ‘Stranger Danger’ Safety Tips

Students Discuss ‘Stranger Danger’ Safety Tips
Bronxville, NY

Bronxville Elementary School students learned important safety lessons from police officer Matt Stein from the Bronxville Police Department when they welcomed him as a special guest at their school. His visit coincided with the school’s Walk to School Week in honor of Earth Day and served as a reminder for students to walk safely to school.

During his visit, officer Stein provided the students with safety tips and advice about strangers. He discussed what students can do if they’re approached by a stranger, and the students learned that they shouldn’t accept anything from a stranger, and if a stranger approaches them, they should run away and tell an adult.

“Officer Stein conducted an interactive stranger safety presentation for students in grades K-5,” Principal Rakiya Adams said. “The students were also able to ask questions and discuss important safety tips and protocols with officer Stein.”