One middle school and nine high school students were selected to perform with the Organization of American Kodály Educators’ National Conference Choirs, a high-quality performance program featured at the annual OAKE National Conference in Portland, Oregon, from March 4-7.
Eighth grader Aryia Banihashem-Ahmad (soprano) will perform with the Youth Choir, while freshman Brooks Clifford (tenor) and juniors Olivia Conniff (soprano II) and Michael Weild (bass 1) will perform with the Chamber Ensemble. Sophomores Eliza Brennan (alto), Maggie Lockwood (soprano) and Anna Maicon (soprano), juniors Caroline Palermo (alto) and Alanna Thompson (alto), and senior Alice O’Connell (soprano) will perform with the Concert Women’s Choir.
“Selection into one of the four National Conference Choirs is an incredible honor,” said Pamela Simpson, middle and high school choral director. “Students are selected from a rigorous audition process and then must spend time learning a wide variety of challenging vocal repertoire. It's a testament to the quality of these honor choirs that several singers are returning for their fourth consecutive year.”
During the rigorous audition process, the students sang ascending and descending scales, solfege and intonation exercises, “America the Beautiful” and an excerpt of an art song or aria.
The national conference brings together well-known educators and conductors over the course of four days and culminates with a performance by the students who had been selected to participate. OAKE, which was founded in 1975 as a meeting place for music educators, aims to support music education and promote universal music literacy and lifelong music making.